Monday, October 8, 2012

Help Pandora keep the pressure on

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Join the tens of thousands of Pandora listeners who have already voiced their support.

We need your help to end discrimination against Internet radio.


Reach out to your Representative today to say "I support the Internet Radio Fairness Act, bill number 6480."

Representative: Barbara Lee
Washington D.C. Office Number: 202-225-2661

This bipartisan bill will correct the incredible inequity in how different digital radio formats are treated under the law when it comes to setting royalties. In 2011, Pandora paid over 50% of our revenues in performance royalties, while SiriusXM paid less than 10%.

If you'd like more information about the Internet Radio Fairness Act you can learn more here.

It's crucial that Congress hears from fans of Internet radio now. Thanks for your support.

-The Pandora Team

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