"Stop Driving, The 911 boycott" is a call to action to reduce auto use and the enormous impacts driving is having on global climate change. Planet Earth is a Living Being. It is imperative, that we take steps to clean up our waste and begin to restore balance to the wastelands that have been created by our industrial advancement.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Model Legislation - Energy, Environment, and Agriculture | ALEC
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Protesters Shut Down Fruitvale Wells Fargo Bank | The Post News Online
Wells Fargo shut their doors early Tuesday afternoon when twenty to thirty protesters from the Oakland Education Association (OEA) and ACCE protested outside Wells Fargo’s Fruitvale branch chanting “Bail Out Schools, Not Banks”
The Oakland Education Association is outraged that across the country, public education and other programs are suffering devastating cuts while billionaire bankers receive trillion dollar bailouts from the federal government.
Bob Mandell, Executive Board Member of the OEA says that Oakland Education Association decided to get involved as a change agent five years ago when the State took over Oakland schools. “One of the first things administrators announced was that everyone would have to take pay cuts, which motivated us to investigate why. We discovered that Oakland was not a poor city! Oakland has the 18th largest gross domestic product in the U.S. and the motor that drives this city is the Port of Oakland. Running a respectable second is downtown commercial development. Forbes rated Oakland the 8th most desirable city for commercial development and redevelopment.
The next thing we discovered was that Shorenstein Properties owns major property in downtown Oakland as well as other major cities yet what corporate Oakland pays the city is a joke! The Port [of Oakland] does $30 billion dollars a year and charges zero rent to international shippers. We (the OEA) approached Golden West and other corporate entities in Oakland and told them as major employers that they have a responsibility to prepare Oakland youth so they are job ready. We called the $62 billion dollar content.postnewsgroup.com
Whether the 9/10 of $1 that enriches the Oil corporations by $160 billion yearly, or aye, rewards the Banking executives with $140 billion of a year's income:
III. The counsel she gives [is] to do good. 1. He must do good with his wealth. Great men must not think that they have their abundance only that out of it they may made provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts of it, and may the more freely indulge their own genius; no, but that with it they may relieve such as are in distress, v. 6, 7. "Thou hast wine or strong drink at command; instead of doing thyself hurt with it, do others good with it; let those have it that need it." Those that have wherewithal must not only give bread to the hungry and water to the thirsty, but they must give strong drink to him that is ready to perish through sickness or pain and wine to those that are melancholy and of heavy heart; for it was appointed to cheer and revive the spirits, and make glad the heart (as it does where there is need of it), not to burden and oppress the spirits, as it does where there is no need of it.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Innovation in Large Service Systems - Carnegie-Mellon University
Innovation in Large Service Systems in the Interest of Society
International Working Group on Services in HealthCare, Environment, Energy and Transportation
In the coming years, we anticipate a diverse and rich set of technologies and service systems that can sense and respond to the needs of the society in areas such as HealthCare, Environment, Energy, Transportation, Green Cars and others. We envision that such service systems will not only transform the way we live, but also dramatically change the underlying services economy.
This working group will ask a fundamental question: What does it take to design reliable, cost-efficient and manageable large service systems that can address the complex needs of the society. Examples of large service systems include healthcare service systems (e.g. remote home monitoring and tele-health), global supply chains, large environmental sensor systems (e.g. water management services), road traffic systems and large enterprises.
This working group will keep a focus on real world case-studies and examine the applicability of principles from nature and markets to design large service systems. The working group will bring together enthusiastic participants from business and academia willing to engage in an open discussion on design and challenges in large service systems. The output of this working-group in the short-term will include the following:
- Research recommendations: Big bets & Grand challenges (short paper)
- Business recommendations on future Service Innovation Labs (short paper)
- Formal white paper describing industry case-studies and challenges
- Spring Industry-Academia Workshop (Feb 2010) on Service Systems Innovation
The working group intends to identify the technical, social and service systems deployment challenges by combining expertise from design, management, engineering, computer science, social sciences and operations research. It intends a focused effort using real-world case-studies that illustrate the interaction between technology, business processes, and human factors to solve problems related to improving patient care, quality of life, environment and more.
ILSS Working Group Activities
Healthcare, Environment and Smart Living Executive Speaker Series
The speaker series occurs monthly in Northern California, alternating the locations between Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley (NASA Research Park) and UC Berkeley. If you are unable to join us in person, talks are offered via live webcast.
Workshop on Innovation in Healthcare Intelligence
Sponsored in part by NIH, NSF, Industry and Academia, this first-of-a-kind workshop will bring together a diverse group from industry, academia, public health, policy and government agencies to present the drivers that can transform the way intelligence is built into healthcare delivery. This workshop will lay the foundations for yearly topical workshops on Healthcare Intelligence.
See NIH workshop page for details
Challenge topics for the working group
Industry case studies and knowledge models facilitating design of services
- Case studies encompassing design and delivery of services for remote monitoring
- Definition of service units, taxonomies, behaviours, decomposition and composition
Nature and market inspired modelling and simulation of service systems delivery
- Sense and respond: large data collection, sensor system models, (RFID, sensors, etc), business process simulation and monitoring
- Simulation to include human factors, technology, economic factors in service analysis
Optimization and operational challenges in delivering service systems
- Integrating of data acquisition/extraction and optimization techniques in enterprises
- Establishing knowledge models for service designs of large systems
- Enabling reliable design methods using information and intelligence
Primary Steering Group Members
- Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley (Prof. Martin Griss, Director) – Founding Member
- 360Fresh, Inc (Dr. J. Sairamesh) -Founding member
- Stanford University (Prof. Margret Bjarnadottir & Axel Hochstein)
- Columbia University, NY (Prof. Yechiam Yemini, Medical Center)
- UC Berkeley (Prof. Max Shen, Director, Service Lab and R. Nemana, CITRIS)
- ServTrans, LLC (Doug Morse, Managing Partner)
- Nokia Research, Palo Alto (Dr. Umesh Chandra)
- SAP Research, Palo Alto (Dr. Yuecel Karabulut)
- IBM Research, Almaden (Dr. Jim Spohrer and Dr. Susanne Glissman)
- Cisco (TBD)
- Kaiser Permanente (Dr. Fred Hosea)
- Intel Research (TBD)
- HP Research, UK (TBD)
- Tilburg University, Netherlands (Prof. Mike Papazoglou & Prof. W.J.V. D. Heuvel)
- University of Crete, Greece (Prof. Christos Nikolaou)
- “Service Research Workshop,” Brussels, February, 2006, Workshop Organizers: J. Sairamesh, S. Feldman and R. Dum.
- “Convergence of Business and Social Networks,” Brussels, May, 2006. Workshop Organizers: J. Sairamesh and R. Dum
- “Frontiers of Service Innovation Conference,” San Francisco, 2007. IBM Systems Journal, Special Issue on Service Science, 2008.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
The Electric Universe links page
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Thunderbolts - picture of the day archive Read breaking news about an alternative Electric Universe explanation of recent news items. http://www.thunderbolts.info/tpod/00current.htm | |
The Plasma Universe Website of Anthony Peratt, author of Physics of the Plasma Universe. http://plasmauniverse.info/ | |
Plasma Cosmology Papers http://public.lanl.gov/alp/plasma/papers.html | |
Society for Interdisciplinary Studies The oldest and most up to date society for catastrophist information and research http://www.knowledge.co.uk/sis/ | |
Halton Arp - A Modern Day Galileo "You can't vote on the truth." No matter how many people believe something, if the observations prove it wrong, it is wrong. Arp presents the observations that show the Big Bang theory is wrong. http://www.haltonarp.com | |
Don Scott: The Electric Cosmos A professor of electrical engineering gives his view of how stars really work. http://www.electric-cosmos.org/ | |
THOTH email newsletter The THOTH Newsletter is available free of charge to anyone with an interest in the expanding discussion of the Saturn Model or the Electric Universe. http://www.kronia.com/newsletter.asp | |
Maverick Science Ev Cochrane's development of a unified theory of myth and science—the so-called Saturn theory. The Saturn theory has profound and wide-ranging ramifications for a host of scientific disciplines, including astronomy, planetary geology, psychology, comparative religion, and linguistics among others. Ev is publisher and co-editor (together with Dwardu Cardona) of the journal called Aeon. http://www.maverickscience.com | |
AEON Journal AEON is a journal of myth, science, and ancient history specializing in archaeoastronomy and comparative mythology. The journal explores the evidence for global catastrophes and interplanetary upheaval in the recent past. It has particular significance for cosmogony and the Electric Universe. http://www.aeonjournal.com/ | |
Skeptical Investigations Skepticism is necessary and healthy, and we would be foolish to believe everything we are told. But genuine skepticism is about open-minded enquiry, not denial. This new website presents an investigation into the true meaning of Skepticism in Science. http://www.skepticalinvestigations.org/orthodoxies/electric.htm | |
Mythopedia From the second half of the 20th century, cosmologists and geophysicists have made great advances in modelling the electromagnetic environment of the earth in response to the solar wind and other external features impinging on the earth, such as Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) and, far less frequently, cometary intruders into the inner solar system. Our purpose is to consider how knowledge of this kind might aid our understanding of traditional ideas about cosmology and the recent history of the earth, as documented in the history of astronomy, archaeoastronomy and certain classes of mythology and ancient ritual. http://www.mythopedia.info/ | |
Rupert Sheldrake Online Author of Seven Experiments That Could Change the World: A Do-It Yourself Guide to Revolutionary Science. "Science in its ideology sees itself as doing a fearless exploration of the unknown. Most of the time it is a fearful exploration of the almost known." http://www.sheldrake.org/ | |
Ralph Sansbury's Papers A return to a classical physics approach to the nature of magnetism and gravity and their relationship to the electrical structure of matter. http://physics101.org/ |
Monday, January 24, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011
HeadRush Records | Free download: Jairus Miller - Cobra (Deviant Remix)