An Election Day Nightmare Foretold via IM (International Machinist Union)
How important is it to get out the vote this midterm election? Ponder this… Sen. Orrin “Drug Test the Unemployed” Hatch (R-UT) with jurisdictional control over unemployment insurance benefits, Social Security, Railroad Retirement, pensions, international trade and Trade Adjustment Assistance.
It could happen if Republicans gain control of the Senate on November 2, 2010.
Currently, Sen. Hatch is the senior minority member of the Senate Finance committee, which oversees a significant amount of programs aimed at assisting the jobless and America’s working class. If the GOP gains enough seats, Hatch could become the committee chair, suggesting the jobless should be required to take drug tests before receiving unemployment benefits, as seen in the Ur Union of Unemployed's [U^3} Bite Back TV spot:
If Sen. Hatch were to gain this new post, millions of hard-working Americans may bear witness in 2011 to the demise of many of our nation’s vitally important safety-net policies and social programs.
“We should not be giving cash to people who basically are just going to go blow it on drugs,” said Sen. Hatch as he and his fellow GOP Senators repeatedly blocked unemployment insurance benefits for millions of unemployed Americans this past summer.
“It is extremely imperative that voters – particularly jobless voters – show up at the polls this election day,” says IAM International President Tom Buffenbarger. “We must not give power back to those responsible for this economic crisis, and those who heartlessly turn their backs on Americans who need them the most. We have the power to win on November 2nd. Tell everyone – family, friends, neighbors, etc. – to get out and vote.”